Which coffee should I choose for my coffee shop?

phân phối cà phê gia công

“Which coffee should I choose for my newly opened coffee shop?” is always an important question

Which coffee shop should you choose for each idea of starting a business by opening a coffee shop? In this article, Cafe Kantata Joint Stock Company will analyze and suggest for you. The most suitable coffee product for use in coffee shops in just 2 basic steps

Step 1: Determine the criteria for choosing suitable coffee products

To choose coffee products for the shop, we first need to determine the product selection criteria. A coffee product is suitable when it meets all the criteria

  • 100% pure coffee
  • The type of coffee meets the needs of the customer group that the coffee shop is targeting (customer age, customer taste…)
  • Coffee with a special aroma helps make the coffee shop space unique (Attracts and creates trust for customers)
  • The cost is appropriate to the size of the coffee shop and the customer base it targets

You can see the choice of which coffee to choose for the shop. The right coffee product depends on which customers the coffee shop owner is targeting.
Each coffee shop has its own customer focus, this depends on the taste and customer profile that the owner is targeting.

Step 2: Choose a suitable product line for the coffee shop

Which coffee should you choose for your shop’s customers who enjoy pure coffee?

For a coffee shop with a rustic style and a strong taste (usually for customers who are passionate and knowledgeable about coffee), the owner needs to be sophisticated in enjoying coffee (Knowing the nuances of coffee) mixing ratio suitable for your customers). The products these cafes typically use are roasted and ground coffee, without flavoring, products:

Pure roasted Arabica coffee (A+)

Pure roasted and ground Robusta coffee (R+)

Pure roasted and ground Culi coffee (C+)

CTraditional coffee for shops (T+)

Each of the above products has its own unique flavor characteristics, so the shop owner needs to learn about customers’ tastes and mix them in appropriate proportions.

The characteristic of pure roasted Arabica Coffee (A+)  is its passionate aroma and mild sour taste

The characteristic ofpure roasted and ground Robusta Coffee (R+) is its mild aroma and strong bitter taste

For this product line, you can purchase A+ coffee products individually; R+ and C+. Then mix it yourself with the desired ratio or you can use the Traditional Coffee product for shops (T+). . It is a product made by Kantata Coffee Joint Stock Company that mixes A+, R+ and C+ beans in standard ratios (ratio used by many shops).


Kantata rustic roasted coffee

Which coffee should you choose for a shop that has a general audience?

Which coffee should you choose for a shop with customers who do not require the original strong-tasting coffee? The most suitable products are those with some added flavorings to help reduce the pungent and harsh taste of rustic coffee. During research and development. Kantata Cafe Joint Stock Company has launched products T1+ and T2+ with a smooth coffee flavor. But still rich, ready to conquer anyone who has ever enjoyed it.

Traditional butter flavored coffee (T+1)has a sweet aroma and rich natural taste to help users relax and feel refreshed.

Traditional coffee with caramel flavor and French wine (T+2)has a warm aroma and a special rich taste that helps awaken the senses.

With a moderate cost, these are two products that are extremely worth trying at all coffee shops. Passionate coffee flavor combined with premium aromas. Create quality coffee products that meet customer needs.

Traditional coffee with caramel flavor and French wine (T+2)Kantata

Above, Kantata Cafe Joint Stock Company has shared with you suitable coffee products. With every taste of coffee shops. Hopefully we can help newly opened coffee shops choose the most suitable coffee products for their shops. Kantata Coffee Joint Stock Company will not stop researching. And create products with new unique flavors, giving customers more choices.

Which coffee should I choose for my shop – Contact to buy roasted and ground coffee in Hanoi:

Kantata Coffee Joint Stock Company specializes in distributing raw green coffee and roasted coffee to customers in the Hanoi area and some provinces across the country with cheap prices and customer service.

Contact us when buying roasted and ground coffee


Address: 18 Vo Van Dung, Dong Da, Hanoi
Hotline: 0989.568.247 – 0949.477.247

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